Researcher Profiles

Dr. Jeff Thomason


Dr Jeff Thomason is known for his ability to "bring anatomy to life" and is internationally-recognized for his research on the form and function of the equine hoof.

Why is this important?

"I struggle to understand the science of hooves. Farriers struggle with the practical aspects.  As we learn from each other as well as from horses, the horses will stand to benefit."

YouTube logo Dr. Thomason discusses his research in our special feature

Equine Related Hero: Dr Ken Armstrong, who has worked tirelessly to improve the interaction between the equine industry and academia for many years, and is, so I'm told, a great horse vet.

Horse background or current horse ownership:
My horse background began by studying fossils of their ancestors in university. On the few occasions I have ridden I gave a good impression of a sack of potatoes on horseback. I really enjoy working with them in a teaching and research setting, but leave them at school at night. My hobbies are definitely not horse related.

Degrees: BA, MSc, PhD

Position: Professor, Department of Biomedical Sciences, Ontario Veterinary College


• Teaching veterinary anatomy to first-year veterinary students.
• Coordinating first-year veterinary curriculum
• Research focused on hoof mechanics
• Co-Chair Equine Guelph Communications & Marketing Committee
• Instructor of the Functional Anatomy online course, part of the Equine Science Certificate Program

Area of Specialty: Equine hoof anatomy and mechanics



Hoof Biomechanics


Research Related Goals: To understand the mechanics of the hoof at a level necessary to be able to predict changes in stress and strain in the materials of the hoof resulting from changes in hoof shape and loading.

Special Accomplishments / Projects:
Developing the Functional Equine Anatomy course for the Equine Science Certificate Program.