A gift in your will to Equine Guelph is a deeply meaningful way for your love of horses to live on. |
By leaving a bequest to Equine Guelph you are making a powerful investment in the health and well-being of horses in the future through Equine Guelph’s groundbreaking work in research, education and health care. You can direct your gift to an area most meaningful to you, or create an endowed fund in your name, or the name of a treasured horse or loved one. We’d be delighted to discuss the many options with you and find the best way to create a legacy for generations of horses to come. |
Please contact Jayne Whitfield, Senior Manager, Legacy Giving for more information: 519 824 4120 x 56196 Jayne would be happy to have a confidential conversation with you to discuss your plans and thank you for considering this deeply personal and meaningful gift. |
Draft Bequest Language for Consideration by, and Pertinent Information to Give to, your Lawyer/Advisor |
Legal Name: University of Guelph |
Sample Bequest Clauses:
2. A residual bequest directs that the University receive all, or a portion of the remainder of the estate after other specific legacies have been fulfilled.
Disclaimer - The sample language above is for information purposes only and is not legal advice. Those considering or arranging a planned gift should consult with their lawyer and other advisors before finalizing their gift. |