Current news is available at, Equine Guelph's online learning platform for practical, quick learning. Given the vast amount of information on horse health and welfare, Equine Guelph has archived its past news articles from 2002-2020. They are listed below, along with a search function available to find specific healthcare topics.

Rider's Consignment Supports Equine GuelphJuly 2007

Equine Guelph wishes to thank Rider's Consignment, London, On, for their generous support of Equine Guelph’s programs through donations of a percentage of sales of their riding apparel. Equine Guelph is dedicated to improving the health and well being of horses through the promotion of research, performance and education. Donations generated by Rider's Consignment and their customers will help support Equine Guelph’s education programs focusing on lifelong learning, representing an investment in the future of the equine industry. Programs range from Hands-on Workshops, EquiMania!, education centre for kids to the industry skills program, and the multi-award winning Equine Science Certificate Program.

To find out how you can get involved, please contact us by email or (519) 824-4120, ext 54205.