Current news is available at, Equine Guelph's online learning platform for practical, quick learning. Given the vast amount of information on horse health and welfare, Equine Guelph has archived its past news articles from 2002-2020. They are listed below, along with a search function available to find specific healthcare topics.

Equine First Aid WorkshopSeptember 2007

Equine Guelph is proud to announce the first offering of the Equine First Aid workshop. As part of Equine Guelph’s multi-award winning education program, this interactive workshop will bring practical, up-to-date, hands-on information to those directly working with horses, for all disciplines and levels of experience.

Topics include; wound care, insurance, transport and handling issues, as well as, how to deal with various first aid situations in the field. How well an emergency is dealt with by a caregiver has a dramatic impact on the outcome for the affected horse. Those attending this workshop will be given the tools needed to have a positive impact if such an unexpected situation arises.

Equine Guelph thanks John Deere, ITSI, and Intercity Insurance Services Inc., sponsors of this exciting workshop. Generous donations of supplies and teaching aids were also made by Bioniche Animal Health, Cavalier Equestrian Inc., EquifaceTM Saver and Tyco International Ltd. Working with industry leaders, Equine Guelph’s award-winning education program focuses on lifelong learning representing an investment in the future of the equine industry.

John_Deere ITSI

Date: Saturday October 20th, 2007
Time: 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
Place: Guelph, Ontario
Cost: $225 includes GST. To Register Online

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