Current news is available at, Equine Guelph's online learning platform for practical, quick learning. Given the vast amount of information on horse health and welfare, Equine Guelph has archived its past news articles from 2002-2020. They are listed below, along with a search function available to find specific healthcare topics. |
Amanda Cornell - 2nd year Bio-Resource Management, Equine Management major student
Founded in 1964, the University of Guelph is perhaps most well-known for its role in teaching agriculture, among which several equine programs are offered. The University of Guelph has played an instrumental role in the equine industry itself, advocating for the welfare of the horse and addressing key issues. Throughout the year, the University holds several equine events focused on recruiting new students for its various equine programs and improving the equine industry as a whole.
The Equine Industry Symposium was the first held in 2016, an event where significant members of the equine community were invited to partake in open panel discussions highlighting the ways in which the industry can be improved. Key topics of discussion included how horses and the industry can be promoted through marketing, how the industry can promote equine careers, how industry standards can be improved, how the industry can move forward, and how the industry can target youth engagement.
The 2016 Equine Industry Symposium was a huge success, however the goal is to improve on the great ideas that were proposed by focusing more on the issues that are most prominent. In 2018, the issues raised from the previous event will be expanded and further explored more thoroughly by primarily focusing on youth engagement. The 2018 Equine Industry Symposium will address how to get youth involved and, more importantly, how to keep them engaged to promote the survival of the equine industry.
View the 2018 Equine Industry Symposium event schedule
In order to attract youth, partnerships need to be encouraged, parents must be educated, and equine activities need to be more accessible. By addressing these areas, the University of Guelph can continue advocating for the horse and the people caring for them.