Researcher Profiles

Dr. Dean Betts

View Dr. Betts' University of Guelph profile

“It is important to carry out biomedical research in horses, not only as a model for human medicine, but more importantly to discover and develop new treatment options for the Equine patient.“ – Dr. Dean Betts

Why is this important?

To develop safe and viable treatment options for injured domestic species would not only advance the health and well-being of animals, but would also provide a model for human medicine.

Equine Related Hero:
Dr. Betts concludes that all horses are heroes when it comes to clinical research. “The horse is a good, clinically relevant animal,“ concludes Betts. “The horse serves as a model for the advancement of both animal and human health.“

Research Related Goals:
Dr. Betts primary goal is to test the safety and efficacy of stem cell therapy in horses and other domestic animals. He also hopes to discover the reasons behind infertility and embryo loss in domestic species.

BSc – University of Western Ontario
MSc – University of Western Ontario
PhD – University of Guelph (Ontario Veterinary College)
PDF – Case Western Reserve University

Associate Professor

Dr. Betts' research focuses on reproductive and stem cell biotechnologies in domestic species, including the horse.

Area of Specialty:
Dr. Betts' current area of study is in stem cell therapy to treat cartilage defects and injuries in horses. In a similar vein, he is investigating embryonic stem cell therapy to treat spinal cord injuries in dogs. As well, Dr. Betts conducts research in chromosome stability in domestic animal clones and their offspring.

Born in Mississauga, Ontario, Dr. Betts developed a strong interest and aptitude for science early on. In his undergraduate years, he studied biology and became extremely interested in embryology. He worked with Dr. Andrew Watson, studying human infertility, in the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology at the University of Western Ontario – specifically the fertility clinic at University Hospital. Soon, Dr. Betts became interested in studying embryology in domestic species – specifically the cow (used as a model for human research). Upon completion of his graduate studies, he worked as a research associate for Dr. David Armstrong at the University of Adelaide in Australia, continuing with his studies in bovine embryology. A year later, Dr. Betts returned to Canada to earn his PhD, under the tutelage of Dr. Allan King, in bovine embryology. Upon graduation, he moved to Cleveland, Ohio to conduct post-doctoral studies in the department of genetics at Case Western Reserve University. In 2001, Dr. Betts assumed a faculty position at the Ontario Veterinary Collage and is currently an associate professor in the Department of Biomedical Sciences focusing his research on stem cell biology.